Do these steps to keep coriander leaves for long time

Wash and Dry: Rinse   leaves thoroughly and keep them dry with a paper towel.

After washing ensure thay are completely dry before proceedding to next step

If desired ,you can remove the stems from coriander leaves 

Chop the coriander leaves finely or leave them whole. Place them in a freezer- safe bag or container ,removing as mush air as possible before sealing.

Method 01:

Method 02:

Blend the coriander leaves with a bit of oil to make a paste.

Spoon the paste into ice cube trays and freeze. Once frozen ,transfer the cubes  to freezer bag or container , use this as needed in cooking.

Method 03:

Dry coriander leaves in sun light, then store the powder in  tight container.Use as required.

Health Benefits of Coriander Leaves :

Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL).

Reduce inflammation and oxidative stress.

Promotes healthy digestion and prevents constipation.




Nutritional Benefits of Coriander Leaves :

Coriander leaves are nutrient-rich, offering vitamin A, C, K, and folate for immune, bone, and skin health.  They provide iron, calcium, and potassium, promoting overall well-being. 4o

