Making "Tofu" from Soybeans

Tofu is a versatile, protein-rich food made from soybeans. Let’s learn how to make it at home in 10 easy steps!

– 2 cups dried soybeans – Water – Coagulant (vinegar or lemon juice)

Gather Ingredients

Soak the Soybeans

Soak soybeans in water for 8-12 hours or overnight until they double in size.

Blend the Soybeans

Drain and rinse the soaked beans. Blend with 6 cups of water until smooth.

Boil the Soy Milk

Pour the blended mixture into a pot. Bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.

Strain the Mixture

Use a cheesecloth to strain the mixture into a large bowl, separating the soy milk from the pulp (okara).

Heat the Soy Milk

Return the soy milk to the pot and heat to 180°F (82°C), stirring occasionally.

Add (vinegar or lemon juice)

Dissolve the vineger in water. Slowly stir it into the hot soy milk until curds form.

Press the Tofu

Transfer the curds to a tofu mold lined with cheesecloth. Press with a weight for 20-30 minutes.

Enjoy Your Tofu!

Remove the tofu from the mold. Rinse in cold water and enjoy in your favorite dishes!